This marks the return of Wu, who also directed the critically acclaimed 2004 romantic drama Saving Face. Penned by Wu, the story follows introvert Ellie Chu (Leah Lewis) who lives a content life watching movies with her father and running her own essay-writing business that serves her high school classmates - who don't exactly treat her the best way. Things take a turn when jock Paul Munsky (Daniel Diemer) hires her to craft love notes to the popular girl Aster Flores (Alexxis Lemire) - who also happens to be her own secret crush. As their plan begins to unfold, Ellie and Paul develop a deep, unlikely friendship neither could have anticipated, giving rise to a surprising love triangle.
In a statement, Wu said about her new film: `So here I am, staring down the barrel of mid-life, having just made a movie about teenagers. Now that it's done, I can see a few things more clearly. For one: I used to think there was only one way to love. That A plus B minus C equals Love. Now that I'm older, I see there are more. So many more ways to love than I had ever imagined.`
Watch the trailer below: