Created by Ash Avildsen, the series follows the lives of a young rock star and a rookie who idolizes him, with Boyce playing the role of a musician named Simon.
`Do you think that devil worship is real in Hollywood, like the whole black magic and all that stuff,` Boyce's character asks in the teaser. `Oh, I definitely think there's good and evil spirits, and black magic is real,` responds Natalie, played by Perrey Reeves (Entourage). The show also stars Rhys Coiro (also known for Entourage) and Bella Thorne.
The official Instagram account for the series recently posted an emotional message about Boyce and his involvement in the show. `Cameron Boyce stars as a leading character `Simon` in all eight episodes of the first season of Paradise City. The series was filmed just months before his tragic passing. He gave us an incredible performance as a young musician, band leader and aspiring DIY executive in the music business. Cameron was a truly one of a kind spectacular talent.`
Boyce, best known for his role in Disney Channel's The Descendants and Jessie, died July 6, 2019, from complications to an ongoing medical condition. He was 20.
Watch the teaser for Paradise City below.