The 10-episode first season, which premieres to Amazon on Friday, tells the story of a young tech entrepreneur named Nathan (Robbie Amell), who, after a surprise death, struggles to traverse his new afterlife as he's stuck living in an upscale resort-style heaven called Lakeview, provided by Horizen (ahem).
It doesn't sound that bad until you consider the fact that Nathan is unable to make his own decisions without the approval of his still-living girlfriend Ingrid (Allegra Edwards) since she's the one who purchased Nathan's afterlife to begin with.
It seems that, in order for Nathan to grow as a person, he had to die. And this oddball journey leads him to search for answers -- it seems his self-driving car accident may have been no accident at all -- while he forms an unexpected love connection with Nora (Andy Allo), his customer support "angel."As you might expect, this presents a whole slew of problems, the biggest being the fact that Nathan is dead and stuck in a digital utopia, while Nora is still very much alive and dealing with the humdrum day-to-day struggles of real life.
Upload opens up so many doors to questions about immortality and choice, which led to an obvious question: if upload technology existed, what afterlife would Greg Daniels go with?
"I'm very happy with the one that I picked, for sure," he admits. "I love the environment of that mountain hotel vibe thing. I think it's very beautiful. And you know, in the back of my head, I'm hoping that Amazon will get the idea to actually do this [technology] just in time for me to use it when I'm really old. And maybe they'll give it to me for free because I gave them the idea. That's my end game."