The 10-episode show is centered on two androids tasked with raising human children on a mysterious, virgin planet. As the burgeoning colony of humans threatens to be torn apart by religious differences, the androids learn that controlling the beliefs of humans is a treacherous and difficult task.
`Raised by Wolves` is executive produced and directed by Scott (`The Martian`). The series was created by Aaron Guzikowski (`Prisoners`), who serves as showrunner and writer for the project, which recently wrapped production in Cape Town, South Africa.
Producers include Scott's Scott Free Productions, with Scott, Guzikowski, David W. Zucker (`The Man in the High Castle`), Jordan Sheehan (`The Terror`), Adam Kolbrenner (`Prisoners`) and Mark Huffam (`The Martian`) serving as executive producers.
It will debut on Sept. 3. Watch the trailer above.