The eight-episode series hails from Gone Girl author Gillian Flynn, and was inspired by the hit UK series created by Dennis Kelly, who returns as an executive producer. I caught an episode or two of the original series and dug it, though I never finished it, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this version differs.
Utopia is a conspiracy thriller about saving the world, while trying to find your place in it. The story follows a group of comic fans who meet online and bond over their obsession of a seemingly fictional comic called `Utopia.`
Together, Becky (Ashleigh LaThrop), Ian (Dan Byrd), Samantha (Jessica Rothe), Wilson Wilson (Desmin Borges) and Grant (Javon `Wanna` Walton) unearth hidden meanings cloaked within the pages of `Utopia,` predicting threats to humanity. They realize these are not just the makings of a conspiracy - they are very real dangers coming alive right now in their world. The group embarks on a high-stakes adventure, bringing them face-to-face with the comic's famed central character, Jessica Hyde (Sasha Lane), who joins them on their mission to save the world while harboring secrets of her own.
The show co-stars Farrah Mackenzie, Christopher Denham and Cory Michael Smith, and boasts some star power in the form of John Cusack and Rainn Wilson, the latter of whom plays a virologist out to stop the spread of the superflu. For Cusack, Utopia marks his first series regular role for television.