This version of the timeless Carlo Collodi tale is a stop-motion animated feature musical that will feature Ewan McGregor as the voice of Jiminy Cricket and David Bradley as the voice of Geppetto. Bradley is best known for playing Argus Filch in the Harry Potter movies and Walder Frey on Game of Thrones.
Finn Wolfhard (Stranger Things), John Turturro (The Batman), Ron Perlman (Nightmare Alley), Tim Blake Nelson (Watchmen) and Burn Gorman (Enola Holmes) round out the rest of the star-studded voice cast.
Del Toro is co-directing with Mark Gustafson (Fantastic Mr. Fox) and the film follows the extraordinary journey of a wooden boy who is magically brought to life by a father's wish. Set during the rise of Fascism in Mussolini's Italy, Netflix's musical is a story of love and disobedience as Pinocchio struggles to live up to his father's expectations.
Del Toro co-wrote the script with Patrick McHale, and he also co-wrote the song lyrics, while Oscar winner Alexandre Desplat will write the score. Gris Grimly created the original design for the Pinocchio character, and the film's puppets are being built by Mackinnon and Saunders (Corpse Bride).