"In this punishing action-thriller starring Ruby Rose (John Wick: Chapter 2), a former Marine turned doorman at a luxury New York City high-rise must outsmart and battle a group of art thieves and their ruthless leader (Jean Reno, Leon: The Professional) - while struggling to protect her sister's family. As the thieves become increasingly desperate and violent, the doorman calls upon her deadly fighting skills to end the showdown. Also starring Rupert Evans and Aksel Hennie."
Directed by Ryûhei Kitamura, known for The Midnight Meat Train, Versus and Godzilla: Final Wars, and it certainly seems to be of the straight-to-video variety. That being said, there could be some light thrills on offer as Rose slugs it out. And hey, Reno is here as the villain, which is cool... right?
The Doorman, also starring Rupert Evans and Aksel Hennie, hits US Digital & On Demand on October 9th and US Blu-ray & DVD on October 13th.