Seven years after the Monsterpocalypse, the story finds Joel Dawson (O'Brien) and his fellow survivors living underground ever since giant creatures took control of the land. After reconnecting over radio with his high school girlfriend Aimee (Jessica Henwick) - who is a mere 80 miles away, as the release specifically notes - Joel begins to fall for her again. As Joel realizes that there's nothing left for him underground, he decides against all logic to venture out to Aimee, despite all the dangerous monsters that stand in his way.
Michael Rooker and Ariana Greenblatt co-star in the creature feature, which Michael Matthews, the talented filmmaker behind Five Fingers For Marseilles, directed from a script by Brian Duffield and Matthew Robinson, based on a story by Duffield. Shawn Levy and Dan Cohen produced the film, and they know a thing or two about monsters, as they're also behind Stranger Things. John Starke also served as an executive producer on the project.