Neetu Chandra produced film, Mithila Makhaan, directed by Nitin Chandra has created history for being the first ever Maithili language film, which is native to the state of Bihar, to win a National Award.
For this achievement, Hrithik Roshan, who played the role of a Bihari, math genius, Anand Kumar, in his film, Super 30, did not leave a chance to congratulate them for this big win.
As soon as he got to know about this, the actor took to his Twitter and shared the official trailer of the film and wrote, `Taking a moment to congratulate Neetu & Nitin Chandra. The siblings who joined forces to back a film they believed in. And they made History! Here's the first ever Maithili film from Bihar to win the National Award. Keep up the good work 👏🏻`
Hrithik Roshan has never shied away from complimenting and supporting good content and talented people. And it is incredible for him to be one of the first superstars to come out and support this regional film.
The actor had completely transformed himself to play a Bihari in Super 30 and convincingly so. He was hugely applauded for his portrayal.
Monday, September 21, 2020 15:24 IST