Akshaye Khanna, the actor who entertained us with his comedy films like 'Dil Chahta Hai', 'Hulchul', and 'Hungama', is all set to leave his mark once again on the screen as he is back. In the ongoing trend of digital streaming, Akshaye has also decided to jump in the digital space with director Hardik Mehta's light-hearted series for an international streaming platform.
Hardik Mehta has now locked in 'Hate Story 2' actress Surveen Chawla for the female lead in his web series titled 'De-coupled'. Surveen, who was last seen in Netflix's Sacred Games series will be playing the role of Akshaye's wife in this feel-good, husband-wife story. Her character reportedly will be of a strong independent woman of Bombay, who is also a smart venture capitalist with an MNC.
The series will also have a second female lead which will play the role of Akshaye's ex-girlfriend. However, the role has not been finalized yet. The comedy-drama is said to be a nine-episode series that follows a story of a husband and wife who for some time, lives with each other for the sake of their 8-years-old daughter.
Produced by Vikramaditya Motwane along with Bhavesh Mandalia and Sejal Shah of Bombay Fables banner, the show is scheduled to go on floors in November this year!
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 14:31 IST