The trailer opens with the arrival of a new police chief in the city of Marseille. A city which is adored by its people, and yet is dangerous. Rapid gunfire sets the tone for the thrilling film, where the cops in the Anti-Gang Squad are always on edge.
The cop leading the Anti-Gang Squad, Richard Vronski (played by Gautry) wonders what type of a person the new police chief, Ange Leonetti (played by Reno) is. Someone who will play by the rules or someone who will go all out against offenders.
A ruthless criminal being let out from jail and cops being investigated for leaks and corruption is only the beginning. With a former policeman helming Rogue City, the audience can expect an airtight story. Marchal has portrayed the courageous yet hazardous worlds of gangs and the officials who try to nab them in his previous films as well.
The film stars Lannick Gautry, Stanislas Merhar, David Belle, and Kaaris and also features Jean Reno (Mission: Impossible), Claudia Cardinale, and Gerard Lanvin.