The original follows as Russell's Santa crash lands on Earth and needs help from brother-sister duo Teddy (Judah Lewis) and Kate (Big Little Lies' Darby Camp), who startled him after they hid in his sled. In a newly released trailer for the sequel, which hits Netflix on November 25, Kate is once again at the center of the story - and this time she's going to the North Pole!
The trailer starts with Russell's Santa explaining how the North Pole is "hallowed ground" before he spots Kate and her mom's boyfriend's son Jack (Jahzir Bruno) in the snow. The two must team up with Santa and Mrs. Claus to save Christmas after the ancient stone protecting Santa's Village is stolen, threatening the magic that keeps the Christmas spirit going.
The Christmas Chronicles 2 will not be the first time Hawn and Russell, who have been together for 37 years, have acted together, having co-starred in the hit 1987 romantic-comedy, Overboard.