Based on the manga of the same name, the series revolves around high school student Ryohei Arisu (played by Kento Yamazaki) and his friends as they try to survive a parallel world where they will have to compete in deadly games in order to get out alive. There, he encounters a young woman named Usagi (Tao Tsuchiya).
Alice In Borderland will make its worldwide premiere on Netflix on December 10. Featuring eight episodes, the series is directed by Shinsuke Sato, who has helmed other live-adaptation films such as 2018's Bleach and 2015's I Am A Hero.
The adaptation of Alice In Borderland and its cast were first announced by Netflix last year. Yamazaki and Tsuchiya are joined by actors Nijiro Murakami, Keita Machida, Ayaka Miyoshi and more.