The film follows Joshua (Charles Mnene), a young man who has escaped the brutal child soldier-controlled Zimbabwean regime to find himself on the street's of South Africa's Cape Town. His dreams of a better future by winning a BMX championship are seemingly dashed when he has an accident that shatters his knee.
Entering a shelter ran by Mambo, Joshua meets Olivia, a dancer from a well-off family who brings him into a world he has never known before. Can he rise above the odds to a brighter path?
The trailer suggests a strong-looking picture; a potentially inspirational film infused with gritty and tragic real-world elements. Riding with Sugar is based off the 2005 short film of the same name by Zimbabwean writer-director Sunu Gonera, here making his sophomore feature following 2007's Terrence Howard starrer Pride.
Riding with Sugar will be streaming on Netflix from November 27th.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 17:03 IST