The show will feature Carey with Tiffany Haddish, Billy Eichner, Ariana Grande, Jennifer Hudson, Snoop Dogg, Jermaine Dupri, Misty Copeland and Mykal-Michelle Harris, as well as Carey's 9-year-old twins, son Moroccan and daughter Monroe.
The special finds the world faced with a holiday cheer crisis, which the North Pole knows only one person can solve: Santa's great friend, Mariah Carey. Combining musical performances, dancing and animation, the show has Carey (spoiler alert) saving the day.
The show is executive produced by Done+Dusted and directed by Hamish Hamilton. The soundtrack single and new music video for `Oh Santa!,` co-written by and featuring Carey performing with Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson, will be distributed by Sony Music and released on Apple Music and other streaming platforms December 4.
The companion soundtrack to the special will include Snoop Dogg and Jermaine Dupri as additional musical guests, in addition to a new version of `Sleigh Ride.` The soundtrack will be available exclusively on Apple Music on December 4, and all other platforms December 11.