Pratyancha took to her social media and paying tribute to our former PM she said, "It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Dr. Manmohan Singh, a visionary leader whose powerful actions shaped modern India. As the architect of liberalization, globalization, and privatization, he unlocked the nation's potential and set us on the path to progress. His values of humility, integrity, and dedication will continue to inspire generations. Today, India has lost a gem, but his legacy lives with us Forever. Heaven has truly gained a true statesman today, Rest in peace Sir đŸ’”ï¿½ï¿½"
Dr. Singh’s passing has left a void in the political and economic landscape of India, but his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. Heaven has truly gained a true statesman today. Known for his integrity, humility, and vision, he was regarded as one of the finest economists the country has ever produced.
His demise has created a wave of grief, not only in the country but across the world today. Pratyancha's tribute to Dr. Manmohan Singh serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of visionary leadership and the enduring impact of those who serve the nation with integrity and humility. A beacon of hope and an enduring symbol of what it means to lead with integrity and purpose.