In the upcoming episodes, a shocking twist shakes the Wagle family as Vidya (Sunkanya Surve) and Manoj’s (Vipul Deshpande) twin babies are kidnapped. The family’s desperate search leads them to CCTV footage revealing a mysterious woman, Munni, as the kidnapper. Stepping up to save the day, Rajesh Wagle takes matters into his own hands. With the police by his side and disguised as an inspector, he heads to Munni’s den to rescue the children. The upcoming story will leave viewers on the edge of their seats, eager to find out whether Rajesh can outsmart the culprits and safely bring the twins home.
Sumeet Raghvan, who essays the role of Rajesh Wagle, said, "As Rajesh, stepping into a police inspector’s attire was an unusual and exciting twist. At the same time, it was an emotional moment as Rajesh experiences the anguish of a father. Being a father himself, he feels his brother’s pain and is willing to go to any length to save his niece and nephew. It is a story about the lengths we go to for our loved ones, and I hope viewers connect with the emotions and intensity we have tried to portray."
Tune in to watch Wagle Ki Duniya - Nayi Peedi Naye Kissey on Sony SAB from Monday to Saturday at 9 PM