Hollywood star Nicole Kidman is set to become the highest paid public speaker of all time for a speech she might not even show up for.
Internet Movie Database says "Moulin Rouge" star is negotiating a whopping $435,000 fee for a 25-minute corporate speech to be given at the 5th Annual Forbes Global
CEO Conference at Sydney Opera House in Australia. Despite asking for such a heavy sum she might just deliver this speech through satellite.
A source tells the British newspaper The Sun: "This deal will make her the highest paid public speaker of all time. Business execs are paying £2,500 each to be there and
they expect big names: former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Aussie Prime Minister John Howard will also speak. Nicole will talk about following dreams and
aspirations from the perspective of being an actress and a mother."
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 11:16 IST