How to Make a man happy: 1. Feed him. 2. Sleep with him. 3. Leave him with peace. 4. Don't check his phone (Msgs). 5. Don't bother him with his movements. So whats so hard about that? How to make a woman happy: It's really not too difficult but.... To make a woman happy, a man only needsto be: 1. A friend 2. A companion 3. A lover 4. A brother 5. A father 6. A master 7. A chef. 8. An electrician. 9. A plumber. 10. A mechanic. 11. A carpenter. 12. A decorator. 13. A stylist. 14. A sexologist. 15. A gynecologist. 16. A psychologist. 17. A pest exterminator. 18. A psychiatrist. 19. A healer. 20. A good listener. 21. An organizer. 22. A good father. 23. Very clean. 24. Sympathetic. 25. Sthletic. 26. Warm. 27. Attentive. 28. Gallant. 29. Intelligent. 30. Funny. 31. Creative. 32. Tender. 33. Strong. 34. Understanding. 35. Tolerant. 36. Pprudent. 37. Ambitious. 38. Capable. 39. Courageous. 40. Determined. 41. True. 42. Dependable. 43. Passionate. WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 44. Give her compliments regularly. 45. Go shopping with her. 46. Be honest. 47. Be very rich. 48. Not stress her out. 49. Not look at other girls. AND AT THE SAME TIME, YOU MUST ALSO: 50. Give her lots of attention. 51. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself. 52. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes.. BUT MOST OF ALL IT IS VERY IMPORTANT 53. Never forget Birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine arrangements she makes. |