
    Two blondes are walking down the street. One blonde finds a little mirror, looks in it, again and again. Puzzled, she says to her friend, "I just know I`ve seen this face before!"
    "Give it to me", says the other blonde.
    She looks in the mirror and says, "Of course, you silly! It`s me!!"
  • Psychic Hot Line! A frog telephoned the Psychic Hot line and was told, 'You are going to meet a beautiful young woman who will want to know everything about you.'
    The frog said, 'that`s great! Will I meet her...
  • Repeat performance! A young woman had given birth in the elevator of a New Delhi hospital, and was embarrassed about it.
    One of the Doctors, in an effort to console her, said, 'Don t feel bad. Why, only two years ago a lady...
  • Stupid instructions! In Oregon, dead people are forbidden to serve on juries!
    And, actual packaging instructions:
    ON MARKS & SPENCER BREAD PUDDING: Product will be hot after heating.
  • Quick thought ! If you came across Bill Clinton struggling in a raging river and you had a choice between rescuing him and getting a Pulitzer prize-winning
  • The saviour? On a rain-soaked night, an infant tumble over the railings of the Howrah bridge and fell into the Hooghly river below. The weather did not prevent hundreds of Calcuttans from flocking over the rails and watching the proceedings, but no one attempted to save the drowning child. At last an old American tourist jumped in to the water and did the saving