Toilet - A Marital Problem


    Toilet - A Marital Problem Dear Shirish,
    I recently had an arranged marriage and brought my wife home.
    But ever since she's come home, she's been complaining of the Indian toilet in our house. She says she's used to a Western toilet since childhood, and cannot adapt to this. Since she's acting too high-flying because of her education, I tried to explain to her that even science says that Indian toilets are better than Western. But she just refuses to understand, and has now stopped eating completely, so she does not have to go to our Indian toilet. I don't care whether she eats or not, but I cannot tolerate her disrespecting our Indian culture. Should I divorce her?

    -Indian Husband

    Dear Indian Husband,
    Sorry, I cannot answer your question in the current form. You've sent your question via email, which is not Indian culture. Send it via a pigeon, and I'll answer.
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