Computer lingo meaning for a farmer!


    LOG ON: Making the wood stove hotter
    LOG OFF: Don`t add wood
    MONITOR : Keep an eye on the wood stove
    MEGAHERTZ: When a big log drops on your barefoot in the morning
    FLOPPY DISK : What you get from piling too much wood
    RAM: The hydraulic thing that makes the woodsplitter work
    DRIVE: Getting home during most of the winter
    PROMPT: What you wish the mail was during the snow season
    ENTER: Come on in
    WINDOWS: What you shut when it gets 10 below normal
    SCREEN: What is a must during black fly season
    CHIP: What you munch during Vikings games
    MICROCHIP: What`s left in the bag when the chips are gone
    MODEM: What you did to the hay fields last July
    DOT MATRIX: Eino Matrix`s wife
    LAPTOP: Where the grandkids sit
    KEYBOARD: Where you suppose to put the keys so that Misses can find them
    SOFTWARE: The plastic picnic utensils, ya?
    MOUSE: What leaves them little turds in the cupboard
    MAINFRAME: The part of the sauna that holds up the roof
    PORT: Where do commericial fishing boats dock
    RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY: When you can`t remember how much you spent on the new deer rifle when the wife asks about it.
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