Gavin Cole of Dublin got onto a bus with three packets of heroin safely hidden in his pocket. You`d have to be a real idot to take the packets out while sitting right there on the bus with everyone else. He did this because he`s a bonehead! And while this is stupid enough it just happened that the man sitting next to him was an off-duty drug squad officer. But wait! There`s more. So here he is playing with his heroin next to the officer and his cell phone rings. And the officer heard the following conversation, ``Yeah, I have the stuff. Meet me at the bus station and bring plenty of money!`` But wait! There`s more. Figuring he could just sit back and relax since he was about to make a big deal he lit up a marijuana cigarette. You know the rest. Bozo Criminal Of The Day KOOI 106.5 - VIA the Bonehead of the Day Awards |