Died peacefully !


    Santa and Banta were discussing how they would like to die.
    Santa said, "When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep. I dont want to die screaming like some of his friends, who also died at the same time."
    Banta asked, "How did his friends die screaming while your grandfather died sleeping peacefully?"
    Santa replied, "His friends were the passengers in the car he was driving."
  • There was a cold day ! There was an english man, who was singing 'There was a cold day', whilst having a shit in cinema toilets. Our Banta walks by and hears him singing...
  • Santa and Mathematics ! This was when Santa was a little boy studying in a convent school. He was busy doing his homework and as his mother approached she heard: 'One and one, the son-of-a-bitch is two... Two and two, the son-of-a-bitch is four... Three and three...
  • Relaxing ?? Santa was enjoying sun on a beach in America. A lady came and asked him,'Are you relaxing ?' Santa, 'No I am Santa.'
    Another Guy Came and asked the same question. Santa answered...
  • Banta-The Hunter !! Santa and Banta were good hunters, Santa killed only Lions & Tigers and Banta killed only Deers. Once Banta asked Santa,'How is that you only kill lions & tigers and I kill only deers. Tell me the trick.' Santa told him that....
  • Doctor`s prescription ! Santa was in restaurant for lunch. After finishing his lunch, when he was about to leave, waiter stopped him and asked, 'Hey, where do you think you are going with these spoons?' Santa said...