
    Banta went into the hospital for some minor surgery and the day after the procedure, Santa stopped by to see how he was doing.
    Santa was amazed at the number of Nurses who entered the room in short intervals with refreshments, offers to fluff his pillows, make the bed, give back rubs, etc.
    "Why all the attention ?" the friend asked. "You look fine to me."
    "I know !" grinned Banta. "But the Nurses kind of formed a little fan club when they all heard that my circumcision required twenty-five stitches."
  • Too deep! Santa was screwing his best friend, Banta's wife Preeto, when he suddenly stopped and sat on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands.
    'What the hell is your problem?' Preeto asked.
    'I feel like a regular son of a...
  • Demanding sons! Santa is a farmer has three sons. One day his eldest son comes to him and pleads that he is graduating from university and would really like to get a bike.
    Santa says, 'Son, come with me.'
    He takes him to the barn and points to the farm tractor and says...
  • Super Computer! The Super Computer stood at the end of the Company's production line. At which point the guided tour eventually arrived. The salesman stepped forward to give his prepared demo.
    'This', he said, 'is the Super Computer. It will give an...
  • Engineers! Three engineers got on a crowded lunchtime bus. They somehow worked their way to the middle of the bus where they found three girls willing to exchange their seats for a place on the guys' laps.
    After they got settled and had ridden that way for a while, the first girl suddenly asked the gentleman under her whether he might be an...
  • Heroics! Andy gets home and happy and his room mate ask him why are you so happy.
    Then Andy said I did something right for a change.
    His room mate says what did you do?
    Andy replies well last night I met a good looking chick. I...