
    Two guys were standing next to one another at a urinal and one looks over at the other and says, "Excuse me, but didn't you use to live in St. Louis?"
    "Why yes I did," the other man answered back. "How did you know that?"
    "Well I used to live in St. Louis as well. And didn't you live on the east side?"
    "Yes, I was from the east side," the man answered back. "How did you know this?"
    "I belonged to the Jewish congregation there. Weren't you a member too?"
    "Why yes, I was," the man replied. "How would you know this?"
    "Didn't rabbi Horowitz perform your circumcision?
    "Yes, I think he did. But how would you know this?"
    "Well," answered the first man, "You're peeing on my leg."
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    You know, doctor, my erection is not as good as it used to be...
    Are you married?
    How often do you do it with your...
  • Pure wife! There was a man who wanted a pure wife. So he started to attend church to find a woman. He met a gal who seemed nice so he took her home.
    When they got there, he whips out his manhood and asks 'What's this?'
    She replies, 'A cock.'
    He thinks to himself that she is not pure enough. A couple of weeks later...
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    While he is out...
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    It was a huge bar, swarming with beautiful blondes. And behind the main bar were dozens of liquor bottles, with labels of the finest liquors known to man. So the guy moseys up to the bar, intending to...
  • Suppositories! Once Santa was badly constipated, so he went to a doctor.
    The doctor prescribed suppositories and told the man to take one once every four hours.
    Santa left the doctor, happy that his problem would soon be gone.
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