
    A poor, downtrodden beggar stands on the street, not having much luck. Exasperated and hungry he decides to make a sign, and hastily scrawls the word "Beg" on a piece of cardboard.
    Hardly anyone pays him and his new sign any mind. A few passers-by drop him a couple of pennies.
    Suddenly, he gets an idea. He picks up his sign and to the word "Beg," he adds ".com."
    From around the corner, two venture capitalists appear, tripping over themselves to be the first to hand him a quarter of a million dollars.
    Pleased with his new-found wealth, the beggar decides to go one better. Flipping his cardboard sign over, he writes "e-Beg."
    Immediately, Jerry Yang and Bill Gates pull up in limousines and ask to buy him out.
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  • Lion tamer! 'I'm going to become a lion tamer.'
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    'Yes I do!'
    'Well, OK, answer me this. When one of those lions comes at you all roaring and biting...
  • First visit A young woman wasn't feeling well, and asked one of her co-workers to recommend a physician.
    'I know a great one in the city, but he is very expensive. One thousand rupees for the first visit, and one hundred rupees for each one after...
  • Drinking problem One day a drunk walked into a bar and ordered a gin and tonic. He drank half of it and poured the rest on the bartender.
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