
    A group of sister from a local convent were out for their Sunday bike ride through the suburbs. They were quite a site, seven in a row on one of those seven seater tandem bikes, headed, of course by mother superior.
    They went over a speed bump. In unison, they all let out an excited "OOOOOOOOO!'
    The mother superior turned around and looked at them sternly.
    She admonished the nuns, "Sisters, you must quiet down".
    They went over another bump, "OOOOOOO"
    The mother superior turned around and warned "Sisters, please!' Your making a spectacle out of us."
    And another bump, "OOOOOO"
    The mother superior turned around and gruffly said, "Sisters, this is your last warning. One more OOOOOO out of any of you and we are going to have to put the seats back on."
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