Never Up, Never In


    A man and his wife were having an argument in bed. After the husband had finally had enough, he jumped up and took a blanket to the couch.

    The next day, the wife feeling badly about what happened, decided to buy her husband a gift. Since he was an avid golfer, she went to the pro shop at the club where he usually played golf.

    The wife talked with the pro, and he suggested a putter and showed her one of his finest. "How much is it?" she asked.

    "One-hundred and fifty dollars," he replied. She felt that was kind of expensive and told him so.

    "But it comes with an inscription," the pro said.

    "What kind of inscription?" she asked.

    "Whatever you wish," he explained. "But, one of the old golfers' favorites is: 'Never Up, Never In'."

    "Oh, that will never do!" exclaimed the wife. "That's what started the argument in the first place."
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