
    Q. What does JFK Jr. miss most about Martha s Vineyard? A. The runway.
    Q. What will they name the JFK Jr movie. ? A. Three funerals and a wedding.
    Q. What was JFK Jr drinking at the time of the crash ? A. Ocean Spray.
    Q. How did JFK Jr learn how to fly ? A. He took a crash course.
    Q. How are the Kennedy s like oil? A. They don t mix well with water. Observation: Used to be that Kennedies drowned their women one at a time! Rumor: We hear JFK, Jr. has a new nickname: "Bob".
    Q. Why didn t JFK, Jr. take a shower before he left for Martha s Vineyard? A. He said he d wash up on shore!
    Q. Hear about Kennedy Airlines? A. Their motto is "Your luggage will arrive before you do!"
    Q. Why was JFK, Jr. flying to the Vineyard? A. He wanted to crash his cousin s wedding. Finally
    Q. Why aren t there more JFK jr. jokes out there A. They just haven t surfaced yet!
    Q. What will it take to bring the Kennedy family back together? A. One more bullet! Let he who is without sin learn to loosen up and have some fun.
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