Abdul Kassam Ismael, Grand Vizier of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. Four hundred camels carried the 117,000 volumes. |
During World War II, Russians used dogs strapped with explosives to blow up German tanks. They trained the dogs to associate the tanks with food and ended up destroying about 25 German tanks using this method. |
On an average, a fart is composed of about 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, 9% carbon dioxide, 7% methane, and 4% oxygen. Less than 1% is what makes them stink. |
In 1974, Yasser Arafat addressed the General Assembly of the UN with a pistol strapped to his belt. |
Until 1890, Vatican choirboys were castrated to keep their voices from deepening. |
The length of an average criminal sentence is 137 years in Columbia. |
The first man to die during construction of the Hoover Dam was the father of the last man to die during its construction. |
In 200 BC, when the Greek city of Sparta was at the height of its power there were 20 slaves for every citizen. |
In 1778, fashionable women of Paris never went out in blustery weather without a lightning rod attached to their hats. |
In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak. |