Food and Drinks Quotes

  • Food is our common ground, a universal experience.
    ~ James Beard
  • Anything is good if it's made of chocolate.
    ~ Jo Brand
  • Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends.
    ~ George Bernard Shaw
  • Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul.
    ~ Dorothy Day
  • Eating without conversation is only stoking.
    ~ Marcelene Cox
  • Every major food company now has an organic division. There's more capital going into organic agriculture than ever before.
    ~ Michael Pollan
  • Confit is the ultimate comfort food, and trendy or not, it is dazzling stuff.
    ~ Sally Schneider
  • An Englishman teaching an American about food is like the blind leading the one-eyed.
    ~ A. J. Liebling
  • A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety.
    ~ Aesop
  • A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch.
    ~ James Andrew Beard