Conscience Quotes

  • Let your conscience be your guide when you are lost.Upload to Facebook
    Let your conscience be your guide when you are lost.
    ~ Salam Al Shereida
  • We must imagine our lives well. We must engage our conscience. Conscience is the voice of God in the nature and heart of man.Upload to Facebook
    We must imagine our lives well. We must engage our conscience. Conscience is the voice of God in the nature and heart of man.
    ~ Laura Kasischke
  • Conscience is the light by which we interpret the will of God in our own lives.Upload to Facebook
    Conscience is the light by which we interpret the will of God in our own lives.
    ~ Thomas Merton
  • Being a good person begins with being a wise person. Then, when you follow your conscience, will you be headed in the right direction.Upload to Facebook
    Being a good person begins with being a wise person. Then, when you follow your conscience, will you be headed in the right direction.
    ~ Antonin Scalia
  • There is a price to be paid for every increase in consciousness. We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.
    ~ Alan Watts
  • The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.
    ~ Harper Lee
  • Conscience is a coward, and those faults it has not strength enough to prevent it seldom has justice enough to accuse.
    ~ Oliver Goldsmith
  • Morality is a matter of money. Poor people cannot afford to have morals. So they have religion.
    ~ Khushwant Singh
  • A quiet conscience makes one strong.Upload to Facebook
    A quiet conscience makes one strong.
    ~ Anne Frank
  • The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul.Upload to Facebook
    The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul.
    ~ John Calvin