Ego Quotes

  • The more you can have control over your ego rather than let it run amuck, the more successful you'll be in all areas of life.Upload to Facebook
    The more you can have control over your ego rather than let it run amuck, the more successful you'll be in all areas of life.
    ~ Roy T. Bennett
  • The weak are dominated by their ego, the wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in a constant struggle against their ego.Upload to Facebook
    The weak are dominated by their ego, the wise dominate their ego, and the intelligent are in a constant struggle against their ego.
    ~ Hamza Yusuf
  • The problem with introspection is that it has no end.Upload to Facebook
    The problem with introspection is that it has no end.
    ~ Philip K. Dick
  • Your ego can be your tool for growth or a master that keeps your prison comfortable.
    ~ Author Unknown
  • Crush your ego, then you will find who you are.Upload to Facebook
    Crush your ego, then you will find who you are.
    ~ Rajinikanth
  • The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.
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    The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.
    ~ Eckhart Tolle
  • Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.
    ~ Eckhart Tolle
  • Close some doors today, not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.Upload to Facebook
    Close some doors today, not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.
    ~ Paulo Coelho
  • Ego says, "Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace."
    Spirit says, "Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place."
    ~ Marianne Williamson
  • In the battle of egos, both competitors lose.
    ~ Robin Sharma