Fear Quotes

  • Doubts and fears divide the kingdom of the heart.Upload to Facebook
    Doubts and fears divide the kingdom of the heart.
    ~ Rumi
  • The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.Upload to Facebook
    The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think.
    ~ David Icke
  • Fear is stupid. So are regrets.Upload to Facebook
    Fear is stupid. So are regrets.
    ~ Marilyn Monroe
  • How rude of you to allow your fears to keep you from seeing what's on the other side. How silly of you to fear something that hasn't even happened at all. Why do you use your thoughts to visualize your downfall.
    ~ Laya Moon
  • Drop all fears and move into the world of love. This is the very shrine of God. this is the only shrine.
    ~ Osho
  • Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.Upload to Facebook
    Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter.
  • Don't let your fear paralyze you. Prepare yourself not only technically, but also emotionally.Upload to Facebook
    Don't let your fear paralyze you. Prepare yourself not only technically, but also emotionally.
    ~ Bob Weinstein
  • Think continually about what you want, not about the things you fear.
    ~ Brain Tracy
  • Fear the sins that you commit in secret because the witness of those sins is the judge himself. Upload to Facebook
    Fear the sins that you commit in secret because the witness of those sins is the judge himself.
    ~ Hazrat Ali
  • The purpose of fear is to raise your awareness, not to stop your progress.
    ~ Steve Maraboli