Friendship SMS

  • In the rhythm of life, we sometimes find ourselves out of tune. But as long as there are friends like U to provide the melody, the music plays on.
  • Friendship is like the relation between hand and eyes. It's like when the hand gets hurt, eyes cry and when the eyes cry, the hand wipes.
  • To hear what is unspoken, to see what is invisible, to feel without even touching... is the miracle called "friendship"
  • One tree can start a forest;
    One smile can start a friendship;
    One touch can show you care;
    One friend like U can make life worth living.
  • A friendship is sweet when it's new but it is sweeter when it's true! But you know what? It's the sweetest when the friend is you.
  • Friendship is an onion. It has many layers in it. It adds taste to your life. However, if you try to cut it you will get nothing but tears!
  • I want you 2 know that our friendship means a lot 2 me. U cry I cry. U laugh I laugh. U jump out of the window, I look down & then I laugh again.
  • Everyone wants to be the Sun that lights up ur life. But I'd rather be ur Moon, so I can shine on U during ur darkest hour when ur Sun isn't around.
  • When U are counting all your friends, the oldest, the best & the new...
    I wud like to stand by ur side & say two little words..."ME TOO"!
  • Do you take me to be ur lawfully loveable friend, to have and to hold, for rich quotes or corny jokes, for text messaging & during poor signals, till low battery do us part?