Friendship SMS

  • I always thought loving someone was the greatest feeling, but I realised that loving a friend is even better. We lose people we love but we never lose true friends.
  • The best gift you can give is a hug;
    One size fits all and no one ever minds it if you return it.
  • Friends come & go. Me...??? NEVER! I'll stay and trouble you as long as I can!
  • Never say u r happy, when u r sad;
    Never say u r fine, when u r not OK;
    Never say u feel good, when u feel bad;
    And never say u r alone, when I'm still alive.
  • Life can be hard & not always fun. But as night brings darkness, morning brings light. When life gets tough & no one seems to care, give me a call coz I'll always be there!
  • Friendship is love marriage without divorce.
  • It's painful to know that you'll never be mine. But it is more painful to realize that I knew it all the time!
  • A true friend sees the first tear... catches the second... and stops the third.
  • A rose is always a rose whether it's in a golden pot, the garden or in a dustbin.
    Same way, u will always be my friend whether u r in central jail, in zoo or in a lunatic assyluml.
  • We need 3 things in life.
    Love - to make us weak.
    Alcohol - to make us strong.
    Friends - to pick us up when both these things make us hit the floor.