God picked up a flower n dipped it in dew; Lovingly touched it, which turned into you. And then he gifted it to me n said, this friend is 4 u! |
A deep friend is like a rainbow. When the perfect amount of happiness and tears are mixed, the result is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts. |
Your friendship is a Blank Cheque for me. It`s an asset not a liability, always a credit not a debit; always a profit not a loss & I hope it'll never bounce. |
Never abandon old friends. They r hard 2 replace. A friendship is like wine: it gets better as it grows older just like us. I get better, u get older. |
Heart is like a crystal, preserve it. Love is like perfume, spread it. Feelings are like flood, flow it. Friendship is like an umbrella, come let's share it. |
Luv starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear. But friendship starts with eyes, grows with an understanding and ends with death! |
Friends in heart r the worst tenants. They capture the heart, pay no rent, don't vacate it & if at all they leave, they just break down the room they lived. |
Treat life as the sea, heart as the seashore & friends like the waves. It never matters how many waves r there? What matters is which one touches the seashore. |
Birth is the `START of Life`; Beauty is the `ART of Life`; Love is the `PART of Life`; Death is the `LAST of Life`; But Friendship is the `HEART of Life`! |
A Lover Says, `I will be with you in all your troubles`. But a Good Friend Says, `You will have no trouble when I am with you!` |