Naughty Quotes

  • Once you begin being naughty, it is easier to go and on and on, and sooner or later something dreadful happens.
    ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Watching your husband become a father is really sexy and wonderful.
    ~ Cindy Crawford
  • Mozart was a punk, which people seem to forget. He was a naughty, naughty boy
    ~ Shirley Manson
  • Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn't mean I'm naughty.
    ~ Britney Spears
  • Boyhood, like measles, is one of those complaints which a man should catch young and have done with, for when it comes in middle life it is apt to be serious
    ~ P. G. Wodehouse
  • Just because nobody complains doesn't mean all parachutes are perfect
    ~ Benny Hill
  • "Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there.
    ~ Mickey Friedman
  • A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
    ~ Coco Chanel
  • I have found men who didn't know how to kiss. I've always found time to teach them.
    ~ Mae West
  • Well behaved women rarely make history.
    ~ Marilyn Monroe