Anatomy Trivia Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • Trivia:<br />
Women don't pee from their vaginas.<br />
They pee through their urethra, and both urethra and vagina are completely separate holes!Upload to Facebook
    Women don't pee from their vaginas.
    They pee through their urethra, and both urethra and vagina are completely separate holes!
  • The brain has an "automatic penis maintenance function" to force erections if unused for too long.
  • Because of the natural hormones released while a woman is ovulating, her boobs are most symmetrical between the 14th and 16th days of her cycle.
  • Humans are unique in that they are the only mammals in the animal kingdom not to develop breasts until puberty, after which they stay permanently enlarged.
  • Being stressed-out or overly tense can cause breasts to sag during those moments.Upload to Facebook
    Being stressed-out or overly tense can cause breasts to sag during those moments.
  • There is an outdoor topless co-ed book club in New York to help the de-sexualization of female breasts.Upload to Facebook
    There is an outdoor topless co-ed book club in New York to help the de-sexualization of female breasts.
  • For most women, one breast is - on an average, approximately 39.7 milliliters bigger than the other one. The larger breast tends to be the left one.
  • An average boob contain's 4-5% of a woman's body fat and weighs approximately 1.1 lbs.
  • A male's testicles hang at different lengths so they don't damage each other or collide when running/sitting.
  • Erections don't just occur for guys. Women's breasts also swell up and become erect when aroused.