According to researchers at Indiana University, women can climax at the gym. It is named “Coregasm,” because abdominal exercises tend to spark the sensation. |
If Barbie were real, she'd lack the 17 to 22% of body fat required for regular menstruation. |
A buttload is equal to 126 gallons, A boatload is equal to 54,107, 280 gallons and a shitload is equal to .260 gallons. |
Historically, sweat has been an active ingredient in perfume and love potions. |
In the 1870s, abortionists would pull out a woman's tooth. They thought the shock of this was enough to abort a foetus. |
The closer someone is to you in a public bathroom, the longer it will take you to actually begin urinating. |
Some sexologists can determine a woman's orgasm history just by the way she walks. |
Inbreeding is such a problem in Iceland that it has an online incest database. |
"Pilkunnussija" is a Finnish word for "comma fucker." A person who believes it is their duty to point out every spelling mistake. |
There's a font called Penic Masturbata where the letters are made from penis shapes. |