Cafune (v.)running your fingers through your lover's hair. |
Nepenthe (n.) something that can make you forget grief or suffering. |
Metanoia (n.) The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of ife. |
Witzelsucht (n.) s feeble attempt at humor, excessive facetiousness, a condition where the patient compulsively tells puns. |
sabaism or sabaeanism (n.) the worship of stars. |
Fernweh (n.) an ache for distant places, the craving for travel. |
Vicissitude (n.) a change of fortune, especially one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. |
Marcid (adj.) withered, incredibly exhausted. |
Mirifical (adj.) amazing, wondrous, working wonders. |
Onionchalasia (n.) buying or shopping as a method of stress relief or relaxation. |