Health and Medical Trivia

  • Sigmund Freud recommended cocaine as treatment for alcoholism, morphine addiction and depression.
  • Silent farts have the most concentrated doses of sulfur, the compound that makes farts smell.Upload to Facebook
    Silent farts have the most concentrated doses of sulfur, the compound that makes farts smell.
  • Our blood alcohol concentration typically peaks 30 to 60 minutes after our last drink.Upload to Facebook
    Our blood alcohol concentration typically peaks 30 to 60 minutes after our last drink.
  • The brain takes the longest of any organ to develop and goes through more changes than any other organ in the human body.
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    The brain takes the longest of any organ to develop and goes through more changes than any other organ in the human body.
  • Cleaning a cat's litter box can cause Toxoplasmosis, if the cat is infected.Upload to Facebook
    Cleaning a cat's litter box can cause Toxoplasmosis, if the cat is infected.
  • Trimethylaminuria is a metabolic disorder that makes you smell like day old fish. It has no known cure or treatment.Upload to Facebook
    Trimethylaminuria is a metabolic disorder that makes you smell like day old fish. It has no known cure or treatment.
  • Bayer, the company that produces aspirin, used to sell commercialized heroin.
  • There's a rare mental disorder which causes people to imagine that they are decomposing, dead or non-existent.
  • Our brain uses 20% of the total Oxygen and Blood in our body. Also the brain has no pain receptors.
  • There is a medical condition caused by viewing too much art - It's called Stendhal syndrome.