Interesting Trivia

  • Our brains do not recognize people by their entire face, but from their eyes and other key features on the person's face.
  • Cleopatra was able to speak 13 different languages.
  • A person's hearing is better when he is hungry.
  • The average woman shaves 412 square inches of skin on her body. The average man shaves 48 inches.
  • All throughout history, women have on average, always lived longer than men.
  • Smarter people tend to be more open-minded and accepting of others.
  • Facebook is blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind.
  • Babies are so skilled at reading the emotions of adults that many experts compare it to "mind reading."
  • There are at least 3 recorded cases of people literally dying from laughter.
  • People are likely to spend more money in areas that smell good.