The Dead Sea is 365 m (1,200 ft) below sea level |
The Sun is a medium-sized star 1,392,000 km across - 100 times the diameter of the Earth |
The Sun weighs 2,000 trillion trillion tonnes - over 300,000 times the weight of the Earth |
The Earth weighs 6,000 trillion trillion tonnes |
All the planets in the solar system rotate anticlockwise, except Venus. It is the only planet that rotates clockwise |
The embryos of tiger sharks fight each other while in their mother's womb, the survivor being the baby shark that is born |
The Dead Sea is 365 m (1,200 ft) below sea level |
The Sun is a medium-sized star 1,392,000 km across - 100 times the diameter of the Earth |
The Sun weighs 2,000 trillion trillion tonnes - over 300,000 times the weight of the Earth |
The Earth weighs 6,000 trillion trillion tonnes |