Weird Trivia

  • "Cortard's Syndrome" is a mental disorder in which a person believes that he or she is dead or does not exist.
  • Apollo 11 astronauts had to declare moon rocks through customs upon returning to Earth!
  • Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, the first director of the CIA admitted that UFOs actually exist.
  • In San Francisco, it's illegal to clean your car with used underwear.
  • Osama Bin Laden's death was announced on May 1st 2011. Hitler's death was announced on May 1st, 1945.
  • There are two species of parasites which live on our eyelashes and eat dead skin cells and oil.
  • Pica is a rare condition in which people have a compulsion to eat inedible things.
  • Most lipsticks contain fish scales.
  • Fresh urine is cleaner than saliva or facial skin. Healthy urine is sterile and contains little or no bacteria when it leaves a person's body.
  • Although outlawed by the British empire in 1837, owning a slave was not a criminal offense in the UK until April of 2010.