Priyanka Mehta is excited about her debut film Ishq Ke Parindey. The model-turned-actress states that she was intrigued by the simplicity of the story in which she plays a Pakistani Muslim girl, Sheen.
She elaborates, "I had to understand Muslim culture and appropriately portray the character's elegance. Moreover, the back story of Sheen, who is mature and sensitive, needed to be worked on at the same time. And while Indian and Pakistani girls are similar in many aspects, getting the nuances of spoken Urdu right took some time."
The film directed by Shakir Khan which also featuring Rishi Verma, takes a turn when Sheen arrives in Lucknow, where she meets her soulmate. Shot extensively in the city of Nawabs, the movie will also take viewers through the streets and bylanes of Lucknow.
Drawing parallels between her real and reel self, Priyanka says, "Sheen is a cheerful and expressive girl. She is also considerate of her family and loved ones. At times, she displays courage and conviction, and does not shirk her moral responsibilities. I think these are some qualities I possess or try to inculcate in my life. This makes me closer to Sheen."
The film, presented by Pawan Goyal under the banner Shyam Motion Pictures, releases April 24.
Thursday, April 23, 2015 12:24 IST