After Abhishek Kapoor's Fitoor, a special appearance with Deepika Padukone in Piku and Gurgaon, Akshay Oberoi has been signed for another interesting project. He will be seen as a parallel lead along with Randeep Hooda in Ye Laal Rang based on blood mafia. But that's not it for the young actor. On the auspicious occasion of Akshay Tritiya, Akshay Oberoi has kick started shoot for his next film, an Indo-Brit production called Bombairiya opposite Radhika Apte of Badlapur fame.
Interestingly, all his films are completely different from one another. While Fitoor is a love story where he'll be seen romancing Aditi Rao Hydari, In Piku he'll be doing a cameo where he plays Deepika's date, Guragaon is a story based on father son relationship, In Ye Laal Rang, based on a much serious topic- blood mafia he'll be seen playing Randeep Hooda's protege.
Thursday, April 23, 2015 12:28 IST