Talented actor, Rajkummar Rao adds yet another feather to his cap for his role in 'Citylights'. The actor received much recognition and is now a recipient of the prestigious 'Dadasaheb Phalke Foundation Award'. With critically-acclaimed films like Kai Po Che!, Shahid and Queen, Rajkummar is soon growing as one of Bollywood's most promising actors.
The ace actor confirmed that he got to know about the award only three days before the Dadasaheb Phalke Awards function and added that it was very unexpected and out of the blue but a great feeling nonetheless.
He said, "Citylights is a special film and it's always a great feeling when your efforts are recognised. I am glad I won this honour for Citylights as a lot of hardwork went into the making of the film. I didn't even know I was being considered for the award so it was a pleasant surprise", the actor said.
Rajkummar Rao will next be seen in Mohit Suri's intense love story, 'Hamari Adhuri Kahani' which is slated to release in June 2015 and in another film titled 'Shimla Mirchi'. We would like to congratulate this brilliant actor on his recent achievement and also wish him luck for his upcoming releases.
Saturday, April 25, 2015 12:39 IST