Actor Aarya Babbar, who is making his acting debut on the small screen with the "Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman" mythological show, says he is totally "fascinated" by his character Raavan and is doing a lot of homework to understand the "intense demon".
"I've always been fascinated by the character of Raavan. I believe he is the most colourful character ever created. Every human emotion is so well depicted in his life span," Aarya said in a statement.
"I've read books like 'Asura' (Anand Neelakantan) and seen plays like 'Agyaat Raavan' which helped me understand what this powerful, intelligent and intense demon was going through.
"'Asura', the book, has helped me to understand what Raavan's back story was, how he became the 'Lankeshwar' he was called. It also helped me in depicting that quality in my performance," he added.
"Sankat Mochan Mahabali Hanuman", which will be aired on Sony Entertainment Television starting May 4, will star actor Nirbhaya Wadhwa in the titular role.
Sunday, April 26, 2015 05:00 IST